If you are retiring as a Commonwealth Marriage Celebrant, but continuing to offer other ceremonies, ie: funerals, memorials, family celebrations, you will find The Celebrants Network can still offer you a lot of support and information. Remember to amend your directory listing to reflect your new direction.
If you are reting from all celebrancy work - thank you for your contribution to celebrancy in Australia.
Steps to take:
- If you are a member of The Celebrants Network, let us know of your decision to retire - we can remove your details from our website at the end of the membership year or immediately... that decision is yours.
- Use the self-service marriage celebrant's portal on the AGD website to amend your details; or
- Contact the AGD in writing - The AGD will let you know in writing when the request has been processed.
- After this request has been processed - you can not solemnise marriages in Australia anymore.
What to do if a family member has passed away?
- Contact the AGD in writing - The AGD will let you know in writing when the request has been processed.
- If your loved one was a member of The Celebrants Network, contact us and let us know.
What to do with your your records/certificates:
When you retire as a celebrant, any Form 15 marriage certificates must be:
- destroyed - keep a record of the certificate number and write that it was destroyed.
- given or sold to another authorised marriage celebrant - keep a record of certificate number and the name of the celebrant you gave/sold them to
They cannot be given to someone who is not an authorised marriage celebrant.
After you stop being a marriage celebrant, you must keep the following records for 6 years:
- record of use form for Form 15 certificates
- completed official certificates of marriage, unless you are a minister of religion