Renewal of vows

Whether promises were made at 5 or 50, it's good to renew tham Whether promises were made at 5 or 50, it's good to renew tham Pixabay 920236

There appear to be five main reasons a couple may ask for a Renewal of Vows ceremony.

1. The couple were married overseas or in another state, and now want to celebrate their marriage with family and friends. As civil celebrants in Australia are not able to legally marry a couple for a second time, the ceremony has been termed a 'Renewal of Vows' for the want of a better word.

2. The couple's wedding day did not meet their needs and expectations, and so they wish to use their wedding anniversary or some other time to create the 'wedding' they missed the first time.

3. There has been a very difficult time in the relationship, perhaps even including a separation, and the couple wish to make a 'fresh start' in their relationship.

4. After an intense period of parenting, the married couple find themselves in an "empty nest' and decide that it is time to refocus their relationship on their love and support of one another for the next stage of their journey together.

5. The couple want to do something special for their anniversary.

Stucture of a Renewal of Vows Ceremony

Traditionally a Renewal of Marriage Vows ceremony has followed the same format as a wedding ceremony. However, it is important to note that in Australia, couples can not be legally married for a second time, even to each other, so it is very important that the celebrant make it clear to the couple and the guests that the ceremony is a non legal renewal of vows ceremony and NOT a second marriage ceremony.

An experienced professional celebrant can personalise the various elements of the ceremony to suit the couple's needs.

Last modified on Friday, 25 August 2023 16:57
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