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  • 20th Wedding Anniversary - What advice would you give?

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20th Wedding Anniversary - What advice would you give?

20th Wedding Anniversary - What advice would you give?

ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG: When Rona Goold TCN Coordinator celebrated her 20th Anniversary, she sent her 'sweetie husband" Steve a personal e-card on the theme of 'Life is a bowl of cherries' - when you have a good partner, where one's joined at the heart and that they made "a good pair" with this image :-)

Steve and Rona say that knowing each other's Love Languages is one way they strengthen their relationship.

 "Fortunately 'gift giving' is not high on either of our lists, but words of affirmation and acts of service are.On receiving his e-card, Steve declared that it is really great to feel so close that neither "gives each other the pip"!" says Rona

What are your words of advice to newly weds about strengthening their marriage over time?


Comments 1

Cameron Moore (website) on Saturday, 23 November 2013 10:54

My advice would be to take time to listen to each other on a daily basis - either over a coffee, wine or just sitting around. Face to face communication is lacking in our society now-a-days especially with SMS, smartphones etc.

If you just take the time to listen you'll learn a lot more than a quick SMS can give you.

And don't forget to laugh too!

My advice would be to take time to listen to each other on a daily basis - either over a coffee, wine or just sitting around. Face to face communication is lacking in our society now-a-days especially with SMS, smartphones etc. If you just take the time to listen you'll learn a lot more than a quick SMS can give you. And don't forget to laugh too! :)
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