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Are Memorials the new Funerals?


More people are opting for Memorials for their loved ones instead of a funeral service, so it begs the question - What is a Memorial Service and how does it differ from a traditional Funeral Ceremony? Celebrant Leslie Ridgeway from Ocean Grove in Victoria is going to take is through the details....

The difference is the presence or non-presence of a coffin. Funerals have a coffin present.

A Memorial Service can look exactly the same as a funeral but without the coffin. There may be the cremated ashes present.

Why a Memorial?

There are many reasons why people choose to have a Memorial Service instead of a Funeral. You may want to have it in your own time without the pressure to get things happening quickly. There may be family and significant people that need time to get there. You might choose to do things your own way without any restrictions, perhaps honouring the wishes of the deceased. It may be a matter of cost, or ownership and control.

In summary –

In your own way – at a particular place/venue at a time when you are ready without the pressure of organising things within a timeline.

Family and significant people – You want these people around you and involved and present. They might be away overseas, in hospital or otherwise not immediately available.

Honouring Wishes – Your loved one might have stated/documented what they wanted, and you are honouring them by doing it as intended.

Cost – You want to avoid the cost of a full Funeral Service.

Funeral Celebrant – You want to personally choose a Funeral Celebrant to guide you and plan a Funeral Ceremony, or you might choose a relative or friend to do this important task.

Introducing the lovely Leslie Ridgeway - funeral celebrant from Ocean Grove, Victoria.

Ownership and Control – You want to feel in control of proceedings, own what is being organised and truly personalise the day. You may need time to be ready for this. For you, family and friends – your day, your way.

If you would like to discuss your needs and are looking for a passionate Funeral Celebrant, the best place to look is The Celebrants Network

Click HERE for more information on how to scatter ashes 





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