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Ceremony Locations - 8 things to consider


If you are having a marriage ceremony where it's just you, your witnesses and your celebrant, then you can pretty much choose where ever you like, but when you've asked family and friends to witness your special day, you need to take a few things into consideration when choosing the location of your ceremony...

1. Weather

Have you chosen a winter date?

* What is the likelihood of rain/wind/snow/extreme heat?

* Is there shelter?

In the initial planning stages when couples who are newly engaged and super excited about making their dream day come true are sometimes heard to say things like, "I don't care if it rains, we'll just get wet" which is adorable and romantic, but let me tell you who doesn't think it's adorable and romantic..... Aunty Marg, who has just had her hair done; Granddad, who has had a bit of a chesty cough; your bridesmaids who are wearing strapless dresses and probably your celebrant, who is wired up with electrical equipment.  So unless you are having a very small ceremony that doesn't require microphones or guests, considering the weather is a must.

The same goes for a summer ceremony - make sure that there is enough shade and H20 for everybody - remember your guests and celebrant will be at the ceremony location well before you arrive.

We can't predict the weather - many a weather person has proven that, so you will always be taking a risk with an outdoor wedding.  However don't let that stop you from choosing an outdoor location, simply consider all the possibilities and choose what is right for you.

2. Plan B 

Have you got a Plan B location close by for just in case?  It is better to have a Plan B organised and ready to go than to have to think about it on the day of your wedding.  Most reception venues will be happy to work in with your Plan B or think about a place with permanent shelters or space for a marquee.

3. Accessibility

This consideration is again more about your guests.  If you are asking family and friends to witness this special day, then making the location accessible is something you will need to think about.  

* you want a beach ceremony 100 metres from the carpark, down some steep rocks, but your friend is in a wheelchair?
* you'd like to have a destination wedding in the south of WA, but the majority of your guests live in FNQ?
* how will people get to the location?
* is it easy to find?
* is there enough parking close by or will you need to organise transport?

4. Permission & Availability

There are ceremony locations where it will be fine for you to just turn up on the day.  Others - you will need a permit.  You may also need special permission to add decorations or erect marquees, etc...

* a private property - you'll need to ask permission

* a local park or beach - see the local council website for permit information

* a venue - you'll need to make a booking well in advance.

5. Size

Is the venue or location big enough to hold the number of guests you've invited?

Will you be hiring a ceremony stylist?  

* is there room for chairs and a signing table?
* is there space at the front for the amount of bridesmaids and groomsmen you plan to have?

6. Budget

Does the location cost you anything and if so, does it fit in with your budget?  Sometimes reception venues offer their grounds/space for the ceremony to be held - ask if this is included in your quote.

7.  Alcohol

Are you allowed to serve/drink alcohol at this location?  Usually the drinking is saved until you're at the reception venue, but some people choose to have a champagne toast straight after the ceremony - you may need a special permit.

8. Theme

Does the location suit your wedding theme?   Think about your theme or your style and try to imagine if the location fits in with your vision or you might not have a particular vision - you just might like it!

If you would like anymore information about choosing your ceremony location - ask the experts - Find your local TCN Celebrant HERE



Comments 2

Melanie Lawson on Saturday, 25 August 2018 18:51
Checking for sun and shade

Great ideas! Another tip is to visit the venue with your photographer at the same time of day you plan to hold your ceremony. Check for shade and sun direction. Not great to have the afternoon sun blazing in the eyes of the wedding party or your guests...

Great ideas! Another tip is to visit the venue with your photographer at the same time of day you plan to hold your ceremony. Check for shade and sun direction. Not great to have the afternoon sun blazing in the eyes of the wedding party or your guests...
Sonia Collins on Thursday, 23 August 2018 14:15
Some great hints here

Great advice for all couples - it really is no fun at all to have a wedding ceremony where your guests are uncomfortable and just waiting for it all to be over. Always have a Plan B.

Great advice for all couples - it really is no fun at all to have a wedding ceremony where your guests are uncomfortable and just waiting for it all to be over. Always have a Plan B.
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