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Commemorating ANZAC Day

remembrance-1057685_900 Let we forget

Australians recognise the 25th of April as a day of national remembrance, which takes two forms. Commemorative services are held across the nation at dawn and commemorative ceremonies held at war memorials around the country.  Today's blog is written by TCN Member, Trish Keating.

Too often these days, due to age, illness, accessibility, families are unable to attend local dawn services at town cenotaphs or clubs and wish to have their own Memorial Service to honour and remember a family member who served their country with honour in their community halls, parks or homes.

After many years in local government I see there is an opportunity for celebrants to perform services with local growing community groups popping up throughout the cities. 

For ANZAC Day this could be in the form of a memorial service with family members sharing photos, medals, etc. It could be a sand, candle, photos or family video, wine tasting, culinary or gardening memorial, whatever best suits that family. 

Many local aged care homes have their own private memorials.  Local shopping centres are hosting memorial services. 

For more information about tradtional Anzac Day services, click here 

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