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Leaving things to the last minute!

Leaving things to the last minute!
I think we're all probably guilty of a bit of procrastination every now and then.  Perhaps when you have a list of tasks ahead of you - like when you're planning a big event - like say, your wedding and you think that if you leave it for a bit, the list will get shorter or some angel will come along and take all the planning off your hands... and there is no harm in a little procrastination. However there is a problem if you leave it so long that you miss out....
Booking wedding creators, like marriage celebrants, photographers, videographers, stylists and florists  is something that you can't afford to put off.  Popular venodrs & venues can book out their entire availability of Saturdays a year or even two in advance.

If you've met a wedding vendor that you've clicked with, then lock them in.  

If you've seen the lovely park or bay where you'd like to hold your ceremony, call the council immediately and see if you need to book the space and purchase a permit.  

If you've tasted some amazing food and then found out that cafe does catering - pay the deposit then and there!

What might cause unnecessary disapointment is leaving things to the last minute and then missing out.  That's not to say that the next vendor isn't just as great, and your day probably won't be ruined and let's face it - you'll still be married at the end of it all..... but when you've got your heart set on something or someone.... it's hard not to be disappointed when your long drawn out plan doesn't come to fruition, especially when you could have booked them if you'd not fallen foul of the procrastination bug!

I'm going to make things super simple for you - CLICK HERE and you can easily search for a TCN Celebrant in your area...

Call them... Book them in... Job done √


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