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Love Ceremonies

Love Ceremonies

What is love? The ancient Greeks called love “the madness of the gods.”  Modern psychologists define it as it the strong desire for emotional union with another person.  But what, actually, is love.  It means so many different things to different people. Songwriters have described it, “Whenever you’re near, I hear a symphony.” Shakespeare said, “Love is blind and lovers cannot see.”  Aristotle said, “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”

The importance of ritual
Rituals are important to spirituality because the repetition of enacting each ritual provides a focal point from distraction; a level of comfort and familiarity; and an opportunity to demonstrate reverence for being in the moment, moment to moment.

So when we put love and ritual and ceremony together, we come up with what is traditionally known as a "Love Ceremony"
On this Valentine's Day, let's look at all the different "Love Ceremonies" that are on offer.
An engagement is one of the steps towards becoming married.  You meet, you fall in love, you make plans and you become engaged.  This is a very important day, because it is now that you really start to think about how your lives will be in the future.  

Possibly the most common love ceremony and certainly the most traditional is the Marriage Ceremony.  You have planned for months and months to create a wonderful day that you will hopefully always remember - but while you're making all those plans, never lose sight of the real reason you're having this special day... because you love each other and you want to be married.  This is the only legal love ceremony in Australia.

Perhaps you are after a way to publicly declare your love for each other, but prefer not to make it legal...

Vow Renewal
If you've had your marriage ceremony, you can renew your vows at any time.  Some people like to do this at milestone anniversaries or every 10 years or every year - it's up to you... and what a wonderful way to let your partner know that your love for them is still going strong.

Wedding Anniversary
Choosing to celebrate on the same date every year shows your partner that you still believe in the vows that you made on your wedding day.

Celebration of Marriage
If you have decided to get married overseas (or in a small legal ceremony), you might choose to have a second ceremony back at home for family and friends who couldn't join you in Fiji.  This ceremony is all about celebrating your love for each other and your decision to get married.  This is not a legal ceremony, as once you're married, you can't have a second legal ceremony, however the ceremony itself is just as beautiful and you get to say your special vows to each other again.

So how can you celebrate all these love ceremonies?

* Engage your celebrant to create the perfect ceremony for each occasion - adding some meaning to the party

* Throw that party
* Have photos taken to remember the day
* Exchange tokens of your love
* Write lovely words to say to each other
* Surround yourself with your favourite people
* Dress up to make it a special day
* Don't lose sight of the reason you're having this love ceremony.... to show your love that you love them.

For more information on Love Ceremonies, click HERE

Happy Valentine's Day


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