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The Digital World of Celebrancy


We are definitely living smack bang in the middle of the digital world and technology is progressing every day.  So what does that mean for us as celebrants?

We have computers to design and print out our paperwork, tablets to read our ceremonies from and phones to stay in contact with our couples and families.  We can also buy our celebrant stationery online - TCN Shop

We use the Internet for just about everything - web searching, online forums, Facebook, advertising, ceremony ideas, AGD and BDM information and some state BDMs have a system where you can register for online registration - entering all your couple's information and marriage documents into their system to be registered.  Others are still on the print the paper out and post it in system, which works perfectly well, but in this day and age seems extremely antiquated.

Some celebrants use a tablet to sign the legal paperwork at their ceremonies (except of course for the Form 15)

BMDs and courts are now emailing out divorce documents rather than posting out printed letters - Does this mean that times, they are a changin' for the way in which we can accept the NOIM and ID?  Maybe not quite yet.

Banking has progressed overtime from bartering to IOUs to credit to cheques to cash to online banking and now there are small devices that a celebrant can take to a meeting and a couple can use paypass to pay for yoru services on the spot.  It seems that wonders will never cease.

Advanced technology has been the backbone of TCN's communication - we have an online forum for our members, the weekly blog that you're readying right now, social media platforms and we have an ongoing online committee where we use forums, email and telephone conferencing (via an app no less) for our monthly meetings and we sometime use special video conferencing for smaller meetings and collaboration.

What about the issues with privacy?  In the old days, we'd have all our legal documents under literal lock and key in a safe or a filing cabinet, and now our locks and keys are encrypted computer files with 16 digit passwords on secure servers.

So is technology really making our daily lives easier or has it developed into something that is difficult for some to understand and learn, a security risk and inconvenient when it doesn't work?

I know I personally couldn't live without it..... well I probably could, but I don't want to.

So with all this technology at our fingertips - why not check out TCN's website - it's packed with useful celebrant information.




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