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Australia - let’s celebrate LOVE and LIFE!


The Celebrants Network Incorporated is a celebrant based non-profit community association promoting civil ceremonies and celebrations.

Civil ceremonies and celebrations uphold the values of a civilised society - respecting and supporting all people in its jurisdiction.

Today is Australia’s Citizenship Day.  Australian citizenship is more than a legal status. It is our common bond that represents our shared democratic beliefs and gives us a sense of belonging and need to work for our common good as a nation.

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This Day provides a wonderful opportunity for all Australians to reflect on the meaning and importance of Australian values such as a “Fair Go”, looking out for the 'underdog', government by democratic processes - for the people and by the people - respect for all people without discrimination, upholding civil and human rights and our rights and responsibilities with justice under law.

• TCN supports Marriage Equality 


• TCN supports Religious Tolerance 


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Section 47 of Australia's Marriage Act 1961 allows Ministers of Religion and independent religious celebrants to refuse to marry any couple on any grounds. Therefore it is possible for Australia as a whole to support both religious tolerance and marriage equaility as TCN does.
Now that the Marriage Equality plebiscite has been announced, what can we as celebrants do to help to inform the public about marriage law and reduce the predicted hateful and discriminatory debates?

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TCN has created a Fact Sheet on the Marriage Act 1961 to assist in understanding how religious celebrants already have exemptions under the Act.


One of the most important rights and responsibilities we have as Australian Citizens is to VOTE

As free people, we can play our part in deciding how our nation is governed, what services our government revenue is spent upon and what laws are made to balance our freedom and safety as individuals, families and communities.

Few opportunities come along in our lifetimes where we can change unfair laws directly, by referendum or plebiscite.

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Are you registered to vote? 
Are your children and eligible grandchildren registered to vote?


The Marriage Equality plebiscite will be democracy in action.
While the plebiscite result will not be binding on the government, each and every vote is vitally important.


Voting is one way we can uphold our Australian values of a "fair go" and ensure our civil laws are upheld for all.


 * __________________________________________________________ *

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