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Reflect & Remember

Reflect & Remember

Suzie-G-celebrantThe third Celebrant initiated Community Memorial Service was held on Wednesday 5th December in Ferntree Gully, Melbourne.  Robyn O'Connell, Funeral Celebrant, headed up a small, but dedicated team of celebrants to once again organise a memorial service for the community in Melbourne. 

2012 saw the first celebrant organised Mother's Day and Father's Day Services, and now a Christmas Service "Reflect ~ Remember" can be added to the list. 

Several highly respected celebrants dedicated their time to share their feelings and help those in our community, who find Christmas

time especially difficult with the absence of a loved one.

Graeme-C-Funeral-CelebrantThose attending were invited to write the name of the person they had to come remember onto a star attached to a bauble and to place on the Christmas tree as well as bringing along a gift for a child and these were to donated to a local charity. 

As with previous services, attendees were also invited to submit (prior to the evening) a photograph of their loved one, which was  incorporated into the slideshow  presentation during the service.

Suzie Gordon was MC for the evening and opened the service by inviting 3 children to light a candle in honour of those passed. 

Robyn O'Connell then spoke about "Tips for Surviving Christmas". She provided really practical suggestions on how to cope in the weeks and days leading up to Christmas when you have lost a loved one, as well as on Christmas Day itself.  

Graeme Cook captivated everyone with one of his poems written especially for the season, "I'll Be Home for Christmas" and Elaine Herrick delivered the poem, "It's Christmas Again". 

Sally Hughes delighted everyone with her beautiful singing voice and sang "Grown Up Christmas List" and led us all in the singing of "Happy Christmas", which provided a fitting ending to a beautiful service.

The supper was once again delicious and was kindly donated by celebrants and businesses in the area.  Many people stayed on for a cuppa and chat.

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