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Telling your story


There are so many very good reasons to tell or record your life story, and a great way to express this is in a photo book. A beautiful book that tells the story of your life in words and photos. Written by Celebrant, Leslie Ridgeway from Ocean Grove, Victoria

Why would you do this?

There are boundless reasons. It is a record of your life for future generations to enjoy and know you. It can give them a sense of belonging, having a connection to the past. It honours your story – a story worth telling. It is a reminder of the good, thrilling and adventurous you. It is a memento that family will always enjoy looking at when they visit. It is your history that may be lost if not for the book.

Who could do this?

You can do this or a family member or friend can do this as a gift to be presented on a significant occasion. You, family or friend could engage the services of a celebrant who offers this service. You need to do your homework and book a Celebrant who is a good fit for you and for the occasion.

How could it look?

With a celebrant at the helm, it could be a This is Your Life (Mike Munro style). Imagine the delight when your celebrant crashes the celebration, whether it be a 60th anniversary, a 50th birthday, a graduation or farewelling a retiring colleague. The Celebrant introduces themselves and announces to the guest of honour, Jane, sit back and enjoy the ride - this is for you.  Then proceeds with reading the story from the book, at the conclusion of which the Celebrant hands the book to Jane saying “Jane, Congratulations, This is Your Life."

There can be special and surprise guests coming in as the story gets to them, or a video recording or recorded messages. There could be music, song and dance. The list is endless.

Why engage a Celebrant?

A Celebrant will be prepared, reliable and professional. There will be a lot of work between you and the Celebrant leading up to the occasion, but on the day, you can relax and enjoy yourself along with family and friends while the Celebrant gets to work.

What makes an occasion significant? Ceremony. 

And because of Ceremony, people remember.

And... as Oscar Wilde once said, “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.”

If you are in search of a Celebrant and you're in the Ocean Grove area, you can find her contact details here: Leslie Ridgeway 

... or you can find a Celebrant in your local area by clicking here: The Celebrants Network






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