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The Kiss - What's appropriate?

wedding-2963666_1920 Keep on kissing

We kiss people every day, and we generally know what's appropriate for each situation... but you know, the first kiss after the celebrant declares you married? The one with everyone watching as you lip lock in public with the cameras and videos working overtime. Yes, that kiss. That's not an everyday kiss that you will automatically know what to do. Today we're looking at what type of kiss is appropriate...

Let’s first look at the legalities. Do you need to kiss to make your wedding legal?

The quick (and right) answer is NO…………so, if you don’t want to share your first kiss as a married couple with your invited guests, then you can ask the celebrant to leave this out of your wedding.

Is it possible to change the wording to be more inclusive, rather than the traditional “You may now kiss your bride”?

Absolutely. … does “Let’s celebrate your marriage with a kiss” resonate with you?

And the kiss itself. Are there any rules?

Well, it is your wedding, so you can really do what you want, but if you are getting your first kiss photographed, perhaps you may want to practice the moment. I think any amount of practice kissing is fine, as you can never ever kiss too much in my book.

But, you might want to reconsider the following styles :

Open mouthed swallowing kissing
(you don’t want to look like you are eating each others faces)

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Bend her back swashbuckle kissing (hard to get back up in heels)

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The cheek peck kissing (cuteness overload)

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The trout mouth or “just pucker up”  kissing  (speaks for itself)

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The “I can’t breathe” kissing.  (anyone know CPR?)

I cant breathe
Or the just plain awkward kiss.  (what was he thinking!)

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So, what works for your photos………but more importantly for you as a couple?

A natural, kiss……… that you will have shared many times before. One that says I love you, one that says I enjoy kissing you and one that says we are wonderful together.

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And as I have stated earlier………practice is always a good thing, there can never be too much kissing in the world.

If you would like to discuss the Kiss during your ceremony please check out the list of TCN Celebrants to find one near you.



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