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Ways to save money on your wedding


We've all got a dream of what our ceremony is going to look like.  We've all searched through Pinterest and Etsy and magazines saving the pictures that will best fit our theme.  But, the more ideas you come up with - the more the budget is blown out!  What if I told you that there was a way to have your cake and eat it too?  Check out these thrifty ways that you can have the ceremony of your dreams and still be able to afford the Uber ride home...

1. DIY - YouTube tutorials work wonders.

Have you seen something at a friend's wedding that you thought you just have to have at your own, but you know that it cost them a fortune?  Why not try and 'do it yourself'?  If you're the crafty sort, rock on down to Spotlight and pick up what you need and then follow along with some useful YouTube tutorials to make the same decorations for a fraction of the price.

2. Enlist the talents of friends and family

Not crafty yourself?  You probably know some people who can knit themselves out of a crocheted sewing box using just a pencil box cutter and a slide rule.  Ask them for their assistance.  You might also have friends or family members who are good at other things... music, writing, cooking, flowers, make up, hair.... the one thing that I wouldn't necessarily scrimp on though is photography - remember you'll be looking at these pictures for years and years to come, so unless the person you know is a professional, hire somebody who knows what they're doing. Click this link for a case in point!

3. Borrow from friends and family

While those friends and family are getting busy busy busy with the crafty decorations, ask them if you can borrow what ever it is you have your eye on.   Hay bails out the back, the duo of candelabras in the shed, Nana's beautiful veil in a box under the stairs, that collection of mason jars in the bottom of the pantry?

4. Search Facebook

Search buy and sell groups/pages where past brides/grooms advertise things they don't need anymore. Think about it - once a couple have had their celebration.... when are they going to use those specific items again?  The internet is loaded with people tyring to unload their second-hand bits and bobs to the next excited couple including wedding dresses, bridesmaids dresses, veils, head pieces, shoes, jewellery, plates, glasses, vases, table top decorations, centre pieces, blackboard signs, etc.... And, the beauty is that they've usually only been used once - How can you lose?  Then, you can do the next couple a favour and sell them on again.

Hop onto Facebook and search "second hand wedding" - there are groups, business pages and individual people trying to sell their pre-loved wares.

5. Search Local Op Shops

Having no luck from the comfort of your own couch?  Map out your local op shops, charity stores, second hand shops and garage sales and get ready to rummage.  You never know what sorts of treasures you'll find.

6.  Ask Yourself... Is it necessary?

When we have a dream, to us, it must have all the elements otherwise it's just not right... but for the sake of being able to afford your honeymoon, you really need to ask yourself if it really matters?  Is anybody going to notice?  When was the last time you were at a party or a function and you thought to yourself, 'this party is ruined!  I can't believe they've given us pale blue napkins instead of royal blue!'  Keep it real and try not to get lost in your own hype.  There are no awards for the wedding most matching of the initial dream.

Now that you've thought about what your wedding might realistically look like, it's time to engage a celebrant.  Find your local TCN Celebrant HERE.




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