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A behind the scenes look at being a civil celebrant

A behind the scenes look at being a civil celebrant

Have you ever wondered "What exactly does a celebrant do?"

Have you ever thought "Gee, that looks like an easy job - just talking for 20 minutes on a weekend!"

Well, you can be half forgiven for thinking those things because you might only see the celebrant for 20 minutes on a weekend, but the majority of a celebrant's work is done way before they turn up at the ceremony.

Before your ceremony they will have:

Attended meetings and rehearsals, researched, writen a unique ceremony that suits each individual couple or family, assisted couples and families with writing their own personal wedding vows or poems to their children or loved ones, organised paperwork, including accepting the legal Notice of Intended Marriage form, answered questions, given opinions and made suggestions.  

Then your ceremony day arrives and they will arrive at least 45 minutes before your guests to make sure everything is perfect, greet your guests, calm people's nerves and then perform your ceremony, coordinating the music and the bridal party and the flower girls and page boys and whoever is holding the rings.  They will also be kind and compassionate and have an very good understanding of what you're going through when you are saying goodbye to your loved one.

After your marriage ceremony your celebrant will lodge your marriage certificate with the BDM and securely keep all of the necessary legal documents.

And that's just for your ceremony.

They've also kept their office running with invoices, receipts, notes, creating, printing, filing, purchasing legal stationery, financials, taxation, websites, social media, advertising...

Before any of that can happen though, each celebrant must successfully complete a Certificate IV in Celebrancy and then once the certificate has been awarded, the candidate then must apply to the Attorney General to become registered.  This is a fairly costly exercise - $600 for the applicaiton alone and that must be paid whether the AG registers them or not.

Each year every registered civil celebrant is required to attend an OPD - (Professional Development) at their own cost.

So, whilst you might only see the Celebrant for 20 minutes whilst the ceremony is happening, please be assured that they have worked very hard before the ceremony even starts.

If you'd like to meet one of our hard working TCN Celebrants, click HERE for find a celebrant in your area.

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