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Celebrating Life


TCN’s Social Media Guru sometimes asks for volunteers to write blogs, and I put my hand up for this one... The theme - CELEBRATING LIFE.  Now, what does "Celebrating Life" mean?  And to make it worse, she had added the following rider: (choose your own interpretation).  So, this morning as I was lying on my back, churning through the water in the local pool, I had an epiphany………I will cover a range of life celebrations! 

So, let us begin with a ......

Blessing Way Ceremony

A Blessing Way is a delightful ceremony to welcome an expectant mother into the world of  motherhood………a blessing for our new mothers.

We have a wonderful Blog that explains the history of Blessingways, and what to expect. 

Naming Ceremony.

Celebrants are often asked to do naming ceremonies, and they can be lots of fun if  you plan around the small children who will be attending, and include them in your ceremony. 

So, what are we actually celebrating in a Naming? We are celebrating a young persons’ future life, their potential, his wonderful parents, her god parents or guardians and all of the family and friends who are attending. 

And, again, we have a wonderful Blog for you to read. 

Graduation Ceremony. 

Occasionally a celebrant is asked to perform a graduation ceremony to celebrate the amazing achievements of the graduate, and to cheer them on in their future endeavours.  These are always personalised ceremonies, and often have many speakers wishing the graduate well for the future, and perhaps looking back and highlighting how much study they have undertaken. 

Significant Birthdays.

I am a Taurean, and for Taureans, all birthdays are significant. I don’t need presents, just birthday greetings, and perhaps small donations to my favourite charities! 

But I digress, this isn’t about my birthday! 

What is a signification birthday? Is it 18, when a young person becomes “legal”…….they have reached the age of majority, which allows them many legal freedoms they previously hadn’t been able to access. Or is it 21, which was the old “age of majority” and is still a hangover from the old days? 

Or is it one of the decade birthdays that we all seem to stumble over……..30, 40, 50, 60……..and it goes on! 

And what can a celebrant bring to any of these “significant” birthdays? 

We have another Blog!

Weddings and Funerals.

Both of these events have lots of Blogs written about them, and TCN has lots of information available for you to read. Hop over to the website and start browsing.

Other Life Celebrations. 

There are lots of other Life Celebrations that we can be involved in, whether as celebrants, participants, guests, and bystanders. 

  • Sporting Win Celebrations. 
  • Pregnancy Reveals
  • Cultural Activities
  • Australia Day 
  • Mardi Gras 
  • Divorce
  • Welcome to Cronehood
  • The List is as big as your imagination!

Yes, I do believe that all of life is a celebration, and that Celebrants can help in making some of the formal celebrations goes just that touch more smoothly. 



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