The Celebrants Network Inc - BLOG

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Remembering Loved Ones

As I walked through the supermarket today I noticed the pumpkins and other goodies ready for the annual Halloween celebrations.  The modern rituals of Halloween - carving the pumpkins into lanterns, dressing up as ghosts and witches and trick or treating are now very common in Australia but not many people are aware of the origins.

TCN Celebrant and today's guest and regular blogger Sonia Collins from Batemans Bay, NSW talks about the Remembering Our Loved Ones. 

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Excellent and very informative. Mal Abrahamsen Melbourne Marriage Celebrant
Saturday, 02 November 2019 18:33
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Celebrating Life

TCN’s Social Media Guru sometimes asks for volunteers to write blogs, and I put my hand up for this one... The theme - CELEBRATING LIFE.  Now, what does "Celebrating Life" mean?  And to make it worse, she had added the following rider: (choose your own interpretation).  So, this morning as I was lying on my back, churning through the water in the local pool, I had an epiphany………I will cover a range of life celebrations! 

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Simple ways to donate to charity

Simple ways to donate to charity

Charity doesn't have to be a huge grand gesture, costing you hundreds of dollars that you may not be able to spare.  

Charity can come in many different forms...

* Monetry donations
* Donations of your time
* Donations of goods or services
* Lending an ear
* Being able to feel empathy for people who are in a less fortunate situation to yourself

Here are some ways that you could help that you might not have thought of before.

If you're a celebrant or someone who offers wedding/celebration services you could donate a percentage of each ceremony to a nominated charity.  Either choose a charity that is important to you or you could work with each individual client and decide together where that particular contribution will go.

If you're someone who is having a ceremony/event you could...

- Have one, two or three tip jars - each labelled with a different charity... let people either donate money directly, or give each person a token to put into the preferred jar and you donate that amount to each charity at the end.
- Ask your guests for donations to a chosen charity in lui of gifts
- Make it a themed event where your guests pay a gold coin to join in - all proceeds go to the charity of your choice.

This is how you "Party with a Purpose"

For more information about partying with a purpose - check out our website

And if you'd like to speak to a celebrant to help you with your next celebration - simply click HERE

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Mother's Day

Mother’s Day

A day for Mums to sit back and relax whilst her family dotes on her by making breakfast, taking her out to lunch, doing odd jobs around the house and bringing her flowers and gifts…. If she’s anything like my mum you will probably find her tidying up after all those activities and arranging the lunch herself! 
A mother’s work is never done!

Here are some fun ideas to do with younger kiddies…

Find the Funny: Start a new tradition this year by creating a family comic strip. Take a long sheet of paper, and draw three or four large squares next to one another, like a newspaper comic strip. Then think of an event, or something funny that happened this Mother’s Day and draw it in the panel. You can include dialogue, a date, and a title. Make your Mum the central character.  Save your comic strip, and create another one next year and others in years to come. Year by year, you will have built an amazing book.


Planting Memories: Spend the day in the garden with Mum planting some of her favourite flowers that together you can water and look after.  Together you can create labelled markers to stick in the dirt with the flowers with the date.


Mother’s Day Selfie:  Start another family tradition of taking funny selfies of your family with your Mum as the central figure.  Then you can print them out and make a collage of the day.  You can look back on that every day and remember how special your Mum is.


What about some fabulously fun ways for the grown ups to celebrate Mother’s Day?

A family reunion - gather all your beloved family members together at a park or someone’s backyard and whilst you bbq and share out the potato salad, you can share stories of why the mothers in the group are so wonderful.


Share in your Mum’s hobbies - maybe gardening is her passion, she might like old Doris Day movies, or she might just love pottering in the kitchen making those mini cakes she’s famous for - get in there with her.  Learn, laugh, love.

Surprise Mum with a “This Is Your Life” Ceremony - all you need to do is speak to a celebrant and together you can pull off the most fantastic surprise for your Mum.

Click here for more information

Every year my Mum says “All I would like is some flowers and and choccies.  I don’t need anything else.”  But she does get more than that, even if she doesn’t realise it.

I’m not talking about tangible, wrapped handkerchiefs or scented candles or soaps, I’m talking about the unconditional love, admiration and gratitude for everything that she does for me.  To me, she is more than my Mum - she’s my best friend and it brings a tear to my eye to even say the words ‘I’d be lost without her’, but there are lots of people out there who will be celebrating Mother’s Day without their Mums.  Your Mum will always be special and it's important to keep them in your memory.

* Make her favourite recipe

* Sew all her old scarves together into a patchwork quilt

 CLICK HERE you'll find some more lovely ideas to keep her close with you this Mother’s Day.

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Recent Comments
Anna Wong
A great tribute to Mother's Day. Wishing all mothers a day filled with the knowledge of love and appreciation.
Sunday, 08 May 2016 08:53
Shell Brown
Some beautiful ideas here. Well done TCN team!
Wednesday, 04 May 2016 15:09
2276 Hits

Mardi Gras Fair Day 2016!

Party With A Purpose!


This Sunday, the 21st February 2016 is the Sydney Mardi Gras Fair Day. 

10am - 8pm @ Victoria Park, Camperdown

It is a family day out with community minded stalls, music, food, friends and lots of fun!


This year, for the first time, The Celebrants Network - TCN will be maintaining a stall to share our vision for family celebrations.  
Celebrants do more than just weddings and funerals and there are so many more opportunities throughout our lives to celebrate who we are, what we've achieved and what our future looks like because of the families or communities that surround us.


Click last week's blog post to see a list of the life celebrations you could be adding more meaning to.


Come and visit our stall at Fair Day and meet some of our fabulous

TCN Family Celebrants.



Read more about how you can celebrate every stage of your life



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