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Mother's Day

Mother’s Day

Wikipedia tells me that Mother's Day originated in the USA back in 1872 as women were called to support disarmament and for the 2nd June to be established as a "Mother's Day of Peace".  This day was not to honour mothers as such, but for organising pacifist mothers against the war.

On further reading, it was actually Catholic and Protestant Christians in certain parts of Europe in the 16th century that held aside a day called "Mothering Sunday" which fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent, exactly three weeks before Easter Day.  This was the day that people would visit their "mother" church, - the church that they'd been baptised in, and being that it was the only day that family would be able to get together, it also became an occasion to honour their own mothers.

Mother's Day in Australia, is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.  In 1924 it became a day to honour mothers and give them gifts when a woman from Sydney, Janet Heyden began visiting patients at the Newington State Home for Women.  She met many lonley and forgotten mothers and to cheer them up, she rounded up support from local school children and businesses to donate and bring gifts to the women.  Each year the day got bigger and bigger and thanks to florists and confectionery companies, became quiet commercialised.  The chrysanthemum becoming the traditional flower to give mums on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day has become a day for Mums to sit back and relax whilst her family dotes on her by making her breakfast, taking her out to lunch, doing odd jobs around
the house and bringing her flowers and gifts….

Image Source :

If she’s anything like my mum you will probably find her tidying up after all those activities and arranging the lunch herself!

Ahh, a mother’s work is never done!

TCN would like to gently push Mother's Day into the future... to a time where we don't simpy give Mum a card and some flowers from the petrol station and be
done with it, but that we look at the Day as a chance to honour our Mum and celebrate her achievements and say thank you for all that she's done for us.


Here are some different ideas to celebrate your Mum on Mother's Day...

Plant Some Memories... 
Spend the day in the garden with Mum planting some of her favourite flowers that together you can water and look after. Spending this quality time with you
mum will make her feel loved, needed and apprecated. 


Mother’s Day Selfie... 
Start another family tradition of taking funny selfies of your family with your Mum as the central figure. Then you can print them out and make a
collage of the day. You can look back on that every day and remember how special your Mum is. 


A Family Reunion...  
Gather all your beloved family members together at a park or someone’s backyard and before you bbq and share out the potato salad, take turns to share
how you feel about your Mum, what she means to you and why you're grateful to have her in your life. 


Share in Mum’s Hobbies... 
Gardening might be her passion, she might like funny movies, or she might just love pottering in the kitchen making those mini cakes she’s
famous for - get in there with her. Learn, laugh and love. 

Image source:

Surprise Mum with a “This Is Your Life” Ceremony...
Take a walk down memory lane and create a book of all Mum’s accomplishments throughout her life.

All you need to do is speak to a celebrant and together you can pull off the most fantastic surprise for your Mum.


Give Mum the Day Off and Leave Her Alone...
No cooking, no cleaning, no washing, no picking up after anybody - just a day of pure bliss.  If Mum has small children, sometimes all she wants
is to have some quiet time to herself to read the paper, or go to the toilet in peace.... then once she has had some time - then you celebrate her - big time!


To me, my Mum is more than just my Mum - she’s my best friend and it brings a tear to my eye to even say the words ‘I’d be lost without her’, but there are lots of
people out there who will be celebrating Mother’s Day without their Mums.

Your Mum will always be special and it's important to keep them in your memory.

Make her favourite recipe...
Dig out that scone recipe that your Mum used to make and think about her with every turn of the wooden spoon, then lovingly whip some cream and with each
bite, remember all the wonderful things about your Mum.  You could also invite family around to share in the love with you, sharing memories and stories.


Hold a Day of Remembering...
Not too unlike a memorial, but a lot happier.  Gather the people who were close to your Mum together, ask them to bring with them something that reminds them of her and each speak about the wonderful person that she was and the amazing legacy that she has left for you all.  You could incorporate a TCN Celebrant to assist you in arranging the day and keeping it flowing so that you can be completely immersed in the memories and the feelings of the day.

multi racial gathering diversity fellowship dinner vine seminar family Courtesy of Monkey Business Images Shutterstock com  _292953494.jpg
Courtesy of Monkey Business Images/

Make a patchwork quilt...
My Mum has a thousand scarves and each one reminds me of a different event, a different place and a different smile.  Imagine sewing all those memories
together into one glorious patchwork quilt to wrap yourself up in on Mother's Day.


CLICK HERE to find some more lovely ideas to keep Mum close with you this Mother’s Day.

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Celebrate mothers day with ceremony

ASKACELEBRANT Honours ALL Mothers Everywhere! 

Why celebrate with ceremony?

Because Mothers give of themselves in so many ways.  Plan now for this Mothers Day. Give a Mothers’ Day Gift that is special and unique!

Within the very busy and time poor world of today, seldom do we take the time to honour some of the vital and important ‘things and people’ in our everyday lives.

True we celebrate Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings, and so on, but when it comes to expressions of love and gratitude to certain people, especially our parents, and particularly our Mothers . . . we are inclined to fall into the ‘commercial trappings’ . . . for up until now, there have been few alternative options.

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