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Why have a ceremony?


Add a ceremony to your celebration!

Intuitively we know that a celebration is a way we mark important rites of passage.

Many Australians celebrate important events though, by having a booze-up and throwing in a few words towards the end.  We have forgotten that the food and drink were meant to accompany the speeches or ceremony, not be the celebration itself.

Without a meaningful core to the gathering, a celebration may be boring and unsatisfying and more likely to lead to excessive eating and drinking.

Ceremony is an Act of Love - quality time spent together, a way of re-establishing that meaningful core to the event.


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Celebrate mothers day with ceremony

ASKACELEBRANT Honours ALL Mothers Everywhere! 

Why celebrate with ceremony?

Because Mothers give of themselves in so many ways.  Plan now for this Mothers Day. Give a Mothers’ Day Gift that is special and unique!

Within the very busy and time poor world of today, seldom do we take the time to honour some of the vital and important ‘things and people’ in our everyday lives.

True we celebrate Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings, and so on, but when it comes to expressions of love and gratitude to certain people, especially our parents, and particularly our Mothers . . . we are inclined to fall into the ‘commercial trappings’ . . . for up until now, there have been few alternative options.

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6364 Hits

How can the cost of a great celebrant and ceremony be afforded?

ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG: We can pool our money and other resources to buy something really special such as making the celebration THE gift.

We could pool our $$$$ to engage a professional independent celebrant, rather than everyone buying their own individual gift.

Like well designed stage play, a special event may cost from $ 600 to $ 2000 or more.
This may seem a lot, but is it really if the price is spread across a lot of people and the event has longer lasting benefits.

A $ 600 ceremony package can be covered by

  • 20 participants donating $ 30 per head OR
  • 50 participants at $ 12 OR
  • 100 participants at $6 per head

A $ 2000 ceremony package can be covered by

  • 20 participants donating $ 100 per head OR
  • 50 participants at $ 40 OR
  • 100 participants at $ 20 per head


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Can a 'surprise' ceremony backfire?

ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG:  We all love to see expressions of delight when we make a love gesture a surprise!  But what if this backfires?

People need to be psychologically prepared to be the focus of attention, even if it is for a short while, by knowing they are going to a party or an event. Elderly people may have even more difficulty being fully present to the occasion if they are not prepared.

So the TCNA does not recommend “total” surprises for anyone. And of course, under no circumstances can the bride or groom be surprised about their own wedding . . .


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  5122 Hits
5122 Hits

What is a civil ceremony?

Civil ceremonies and celebrations for significant life events - for individuals, couples, families or communities - are designed and delivered to provide an inclusive environment in which to

  • honour all people - respecting the diversity of their individual talents and skills; gender; sexual preference, race; family, educational, religious, social, cultural backgrounds; life experiences; beliefs; personal, emotional, spiritual, social and other needs


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5449 Hits

Want a great gift for a loved one with every thing?

ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG: How often do we think "things" when considering a present for our parents, children or other family members and friends? Why not think about experiences that can never be repeated, that can bring pleasure to everyone, and to which everyone can donare the money to make it happen?

For the 55 and over age group "things" become less important, more things to dust and more things to say goodbye to when the time comes to downsize into a smaller place.

So why not make the celebration itself the gift?


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Why engage a celebrant when old uncle Fred can do as well?


Having a skilled celebrant can mean the difference between an event being mediocre or an inspiring, memorable tribute to people who have a special place in our lives. 

Like any good entertainer, the time a celebrant spends in front of the audience is only a very small fraction of the time spent in practice and acquiring the knowledge and skills to perform well. 

A good celebrant is much more than a good performer. They need to be  .. . . .


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4713 Hits

Benefits of adding a ceremony

The changes to society in the last 200 years in western culture have brought many benefits, but also many negatives

  • people are separated from family support and roots by employment needs and thus young and old alike are more isolated. Thus at higher risk of depression.
  • the wedding is too late for relationship education. Becoming an adult, leaving home, getting engaged are better times to promote those services
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Approved OPD Ongoing Professional Development with a Difference

Looking for an interesting Professional Development (OPD) experience?

Why not consider a One Day of our National TCN Inc Sydney Conference? Each day counts as 5 hours OPD provided you choose a 2 hour Compulsory Activity Option face-to-face at the Conference or online via TCN Forums, (starts 11/12 May) at no extra cost, for more choice

Of course you are also most welcome to join us for both days too.


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2503 Hits

Celebrant VIC Melbourne Footscray Mary Napier

Mary-Napier4web-150ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG

Although we all have our own unique encounters, it is these life moments that provide the essential basis for empathy and compassion to others. When combining these elements, it made perfect sense to choose a career as a celebrant.

After completing my Certificate IV in Celebrancy in June, I officially became a registered marriage celebrant on 23 August, 2014. Hooray!

Over the years, I have worn a few hats in my time - as an artist, writer, performer, teacher, administrator, coordinator and manager. Now I have chosen to specialise in life celebrations.

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Celebrant NSW Goulburn & Highlands Linda Blair



I was born in Northern Ireland and came to Australia in 1975. Got married in Australia in 1975 and moved to Goulburn in 1976 with the intention of staying for the three years required by the Department of Education.

The Goulburn area certainly grew on us and it was a very good area to raise our three sons and for us to be part of a great rural community and so we are still here.

We now have five beautiful grandchildren in different parts of NSW.

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Civil Celebrant Ann Penhallow - Tasmania



The greatest thing about being a celebrant is meeting so many different people from all walks of life. What a privilege it is to formalise a couple's marriage or to welcome a new baby into the world! Ann believes that everyone should have a ceremony which truthfully expresses the importance of their particular life event.

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Celebrant NSW Far South Coast Christine Kaine



Celebrant's background

Christine says "I have run my own business for 25 years. Before that I was a specialist medical rep and also worked in recruitment for a while. I have worked with many different people on many different levels. I am also an author and I have several blogs about personal development."

What attracted you to celebrancy?

I decided to become a celebrant because I was concerned that many people had turned away from the church but still wanted to experience the spiritual content of their vows and the important rites of passage in life.

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CELEBRANT VIC Melbounre Bayside Marzia Magris


MarziaMagris-col-portraitMarzia Magris is a former Victorian Public Servant with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, with a Degree and Graduate Diploma in teaching, career counselor, school industry work experience and vocational learning.  Marzia has 32 years as a professional educationalist having worked in secondary schools, and as an Executive Director of a not-for-profit program linking business and schools. Also active work in pioneering hospitality studies and early introduction to secondary schools with a background in food and hospitality she is author and writer of a VCE study and school/TAFE text for Hospitality studies and taught apprentice cooks at TAFE. 

She was a Ministerial Adviser to the Minister for Education over a three year period and has been involved in many Victorian State education launches, events, openings, conferences and award ceremonies.

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Susanna Jose -ACT Canberra Celebrant


Celebrants for adding a ceremony to you next special occasion

Becoming a celebrant was something I have wanted to do for a number of years. I loved the idea of being part of celebrations which were joyous, positive and meaningful. However, it was only after I retired from my position as a school principal, I was able to find the time to devote to the training.

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Victorian Mount Beauty Celebrant Heather Mull

Heather_mull_celebrantASK A CELEBRANT BLOG

Before becoming a registered celebrant in August of 2011, being a celebrant was not a career which had ever entered my mind.  My pursuits up to then had revolved around sport - being a secondary school Physical Education/Science teacher and later having my own massage and personal training businesses.
A girlfriend of mine began a wedding planners course, and suggested I would make a good celebrant.

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Celebrant WA Perth Morley Paul Watts

paul-watts-perth-celebrantASK A CELEBRANT - FEATURED CELEBRANT

"Sports over the years have played a major part of my life being as a player and as a committee member and I am a life member of a local football and sports club". shares Paul Watts from Perth WA.

"Over many years both family and friends have encouraged me to become a marriage Celebrant which I did and was registered in January 2010."

"I enjoy public speaking and over many years have been the Master of Ceremonies at numerous weddings, birthdays, engagement parties, funerals and various other occasions."

Read more about Paul and other celebrants in our ASK A CELEBRANT profiles and snapshots section.

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Can a couple be "more married" than married?

Dally-MResponse by our TCNA Life Celebrant Member Dally M Messenger III to a Recent Letter

Unwedded bliss

Peter Waterhouse repeats an old slur often told by supporters of formal marriage, that de facto relationships just take the form of some sort of ''holding pattern'' until ''something better comes along'' (Letters, 15/8). My partner and I have been in a loving de facto relationship for more than 25 years, producing two wonderful sons on the way. We have never had any intention of either looking for something better or of getting married.

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  9775 Hits
Recent comment in this post
Rona Goold
Dally has hit the point yet again. Could not have stated it so well so simply.
Thursday, 22 August 2013 19:24
9775 Hits