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Celebrant VIC Melbourne Footscray Mary Napier

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Although we all have our own unique encounters, it is these life moments that provide the essential basis for empathy and compassion to others. When combining these elements, it made perfect sense to choose a career as a celebrant.

After completing my Certificate IV in Celebrancy in June, I officially became a registered marriage celebrant on 23 August, 2014. Hooray!

Over the years, I have worn a few hats in my time - as an artist, writer, performer, teacher, administrator, coordinator and manager. Now I have chosen to specialise in life celebrations.

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2680 Hits

Celebrant VIC Melbourne Northcote Lise Rodgers


lise-rogers-celebrant-150Then as we begin to talk, it turns out that really what a couple don’t want is a ceremony or language that isn’t relevant to them.

They don’t want something that will make them feel awkward or embarrassed in being the centre of attention. Often they don’t realise that apart from the mandatory legal inclusions in a ceremony, there is no set way of doing things. Rather, with the guidance of an experienced, caring celebrant, there is freedom of choice to create a ceremony that makes them feel comfortable.

So whether your ceremony lasts for 10, 20 or 30 minutes, if it is about you and your story - then it can’t help but be the highlight of your wedding day – or as one of the first couples I married wrote:

 “You made us realise that the ceremony was not just something that we “had to have” before our party began, but something that we “could have” and remember all our lives”

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3498 Hits

Melbourne Celebrant - Jacqueline Anstey

This weeks featured celebrant is Jacqueline Anstey from Melbourne, VIC.

Hi, I am a registered marriage celebrant,and have extensive public speaking experience (over 12 years).

In my previous life, I was a corporate trainer and presenter, including some stints overseas. I also dabbled in project management and commenced a counselling course as well.

My long term training job finally came to an end at a similar time to me becoming a parent. What was I to do? I was excited about the opportunity to reinvent myself and being able to choose a career which balanced home and work life.

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4000 Hits

Melbourne Celebrant - Anna Wong

This weeks featured celebrant is Anna Wong from Melbourne VIC.

My name is Anna Wong and I am a mother of 3, a grandmother of 3, a  registered civil celebrant, trained nurse, midwife and childbirth educator.

I was born and brought up in England, trained as a nurse and midwife in London and moved to Singapore in 1980 with my Chinese Singaporean Husband. He was a General Surgeon, I a Nurse, and, in a stereotyped manner, our eyes met over an operating table....... I founded my own health education centre called Birth & Beyond in 1985 and quickly became a leader in the field of childbirth education and parenting. I spent over 24 years educating, supporting, empowering and inspiring women and their partners through pregnancy, birth and beyond in Singapore and Indonesia. 

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6506 Hits

Melbourne Celebrant - Jenni Bolton

This weeks featured celebrant is Jenni Bolton from Melbourne VIC.

My name is Jenni Bolton and I was registered as a Civil Celebrant in September 2005. Since then I have officiated at many weddings,  renewal of vows, namings and funerals.I am a secondary school teacher now working part-time to allow me time to look after my 4 grandchildren with another one on the way.I was attracted to training to become a celebrant because I love working with people to achieve a goal, and I suppose my background in education and theology gave me the confidence and the skills needed to successfully fulfill the role.

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3889 Hits

What time should the Ceremony commence?

How many of us like to be kept waiting?  I've never met anyone who did.

It has become fashionable lately to state on wedding invitations a start time, which is actually considerably different to the actual start time.  On the face of it, it sounds like a good idea; after all, we don't all have good time-keeping skills and if guests have arrived in advance of the ceremony time then they won't miss the ceremony, or will they?  Perhaps they were intending to miss the ceremony anyway and just turn up at the reception?

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5429 Hits

Celebrants Sharing the Love

Amora-Riverwalk-hotel3Being a  Civil Celebrant means that we are creating Ceremonies of love for  people within the community.  Ceremonies that Recognise and Celebrate the milestones in a person’s life. 

It does not matter whether it is a Marriage ,  Naming,  Commitment, Anniversary, Birthday, Rite of Passage, a Funeral or Memorial, a  Ceremony attached to any  Celebration adds meaning and enables the love to be shared by all who attend.

We Celebrants love what we do;  We love being able to create meaningful and memorable ceremonies for  people;  and in the words of Leo Buscalia, “We don’t love to be loved, we love to love!”  

On the 9th and 10th June in Melbourne at the Amora Hotel in Richmond, there will  be the opportunity for Celebrants to join together  to share experiences, to learn, to get to know each other and to celebrate and to share the love. 

It would be wonderful to see lots of Celebrants at the conference.  To find out more about this go to:

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Relationships Australia

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Sonia Collins
Looking forward to the conference in Melbourne. Apart from meeting many other celebrants I am really looking forward to spending ... Read More
Wednesday, 01 May 2013 16:36
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