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Civil Celebrant WA Perth John Dendy

John-Dendy-Perth-Celebrant-150ASK A CELEBRANT BLOG:

My wife and I were married by a Civil Celebrant in our back garden. I believe this was the catalyst that set me on the path of where I am today. After further study I received a Certificate in Funeral Celebrancy and another in Marriage Celebrancy and in 2009 was appointed as a Marriage Celebrant by the Attorney General.

My most special memory is of marrying a couple who had been together for many years. When the groom was diagnosed with cancer they chose to marry before he became too ill. I was then honoured a few months later when asked to perform the funeral service.

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Celebrant WA Perth Raelene Walker

raelene-walker-waASK A CELEBRANT BLOG

I lived in the North West of Western Australia which is a wonderful beautiful place. For myself and my family it presented opportunity for varied work and living experiences and some great memories.I’ve had the opportunity to work and study in various areas such as community agencies family support services, tourism and administration in the health industry.

Moving back to the city of Perth brought about a lot of change for my family. The more I thought about this the more

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Rona Goold
You have the freedom to make your wedding day as special as you wish.
Friday, 10 October 2014 21:34
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Perth Celebrant - Wayne Loughrey

wayne-loughrey-LThis weeks featured celebrant is Wayne Loughrey from Perth Western Australia.

For the last 40 years I have been involved in the Australian agricultural industry, firstly in NSW and Victoria finally settling down 26 years ago in WA with our family in Lesmurdie. My wife Rosemary and I have been married for 38 years this year and we have both travelled to various countries throughout the world and have now just about completed our list of places to travel. I am and have been involved in many community groups such as Rostrum, Apex, Local Bush Fire Brigade, Masonic Lodge, RSL, and previously a member of the management committee of the South of Perth Yacht Club.

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