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Understanding old wedding traditions.

Ever wondered why a bride used to wear a veil or carries flowers to the marriage ceremony?  Celebrant Susie Roberts takes us through some well-known wedding traditions, and the history behind them...

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Joanne Hardwick-Court

very interesting

Thanks for sharing this.
Thursday, 30 March 2023 13:17
Rhonda Allen

Interesting read

Thanks for this Susie. As a big history buff I love to know about all these old traditions. What a different time we live in, but ... Read More
Monday, 08 March 2021 10:22
4468 Hits

Contingency Plans - How to handle unforeseen events during a ceremony

So, there you are smack bang in the middle of a ceremony and something goes wrong….what do you do.  I'm sure that there are many, many more, but let’s look at just a few things that could go wrong.

Today's Blog is written by Celebrant Susie Roberts from Grafton

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3392 Hits

Rules around performing ceremonies in the heat - what are the celebrant’s rights and responsibilities?

It's pretty hot out there at the moment and it's very important that we look after ourselves when working in the heat.  Celebrant, valued member of The Celebrants Network and regular blogger, Susie Roberts is taking us through all the tips and tricks for what to do when you have an outdoor ceremony in the heat.

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Melissa Sheehy

Feeling the heat

Helpful advice here. I especially like the idea of little handheld fans. For hot outdoor ceremonies I also suggest to the coupl... Read More
Thursday, 13 February 2020 14:18
Helen Isitt

Thank You

Very good advice. I'm off to ebay for some pretty fans right now.
Saturday, 01 February 2020 22:27
Susanna Jose

Hard conversations about weath...

Thanks for the very sensible tips Ros. Having been caught out a few times, standing in full sun in over 40 degree heat, I'm am goi... Read More
Saturday, 11 January 2020 10:21
1856 Hits

When your wedding plans are becoming overwhelming - remember the reason you’re getting married.

Your wedding is getting close and your nerves are becoming more frazzled. Feeling overwhelmed is becoming your new normal, and you and your fiance seem to spend all of your time consumed with wedding plans.

Sounds familiar? According to a survey by

  • 71% of brides-to-be suffered from some type of nerves during the build-up to their wedding
  • 92% of brides experienced nerves on the day of the wedding or the evening before
  • 66% reported that it affected their daily lives prior to it, or hampered their performance and enjoyment during the day itself.

These feeling of overwhelm could be caused by a number of issues in the busy lead up to your wedding.

  • Budget
  • Guest lists
  • Seating plans
  • Suppliers who don't deliver
  • Disagreements over some of the wedding details
  • Family pressure
  • Wanting the day to be perfect.

Whatever your reasons are, perhaps it is time to take a wedding planning break, just you and your partner spending time together, just hanging out and remembering your reasons why you wanted to get married.

Taking a mini break dedicated to you as a couple is a great way to let you see the big picture, strengthen your bond, and to set a good pattern for your marriage, especially after you have kids.


Minibreaks could be an afternoon off, a weekend off, or even a whole week with wedding planning put on the back burner, while you spend time looking after your relationship. Some great mini breaks are :

  • A couples massage session
  • An afternoon movie session
  • A romantic dinner date
  • A weekend away at your favourite B and B
  • Bingeing out on a whole TV series.
  • A walk on the beach.
hearts in the sand thumb7706102


Time out is a great habit for couples to adopt, and when better to start the habit, than during the planning of your important day.
 * __________________________________________________________ *

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  2066 Hits
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Sonia Collins

great advice

This is great advice. I see many couples where the B2B is frazzled and totally focused on wedding day plans and her fiancé looks... Read More
Wednesday, 21 September 2016 20:04
2066 Hits
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April is Poetry Month

Poems play a very important part in all of the ceremonies we celebrants perform.

A poem that has been carefully selected, can add a depth to your ceremony. A great poem can add a touch of humour, a gentle romantic touch, a spiritual tone or a sense of solemn respect, and so much more.

 It can express a parent’s love for their child at a baby naming, a couple’s love and commitment in a wedding ceremony or renewal of vows, and showcase a life in a funeral ceremony.

The big question is, how do you selection poems.


One really workable suggestion is to build up a collection of poems to offer your clients, and to add to the collection all of the time to keep your selections fresh and appealing.

I keep mine in different folders to make it easier to pick the best poem for the ceremony: modern love poems, classic love poems, naming poems, funeral poems, etc., and make sure that you follow the copyright laws, and always, always, always acknowledge the poet.

hlp lf ocean folders
Fortunately, there are lots of tools online to help.

Here are just three wedding poem lists after a quick Google search:

And three funeral poetry guides :

Naming day poems are always very personal to the parents, and often the parents have researched and selected the poem for themselves.

Poetree Logo

On the Forum Board on our TCN website, there is a New Forum Topic for you as TCN members to put links to your favourite poems.

So, can you hop online, find your favourite poem and add the link to this Forum, and we will end up with a great resource section of poetry for all occasions.

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