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I just got engaged - now what do I do?

I just got engaged.... what do I do now? This is a common question asked by many a couple getting married for the first time, and in fact, it is still asked by people on their second and third time around.  Getting married is not an everyday occurrence, so it's not a natural thing where people simply 'know' what to do.  Celebrant Shell Brown walks us through the process...
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professional photography for w...

This article really inspired me to think more about professional photography for weddings. The insights shared here are incredibly... Read More
Tuesday, 15 October 2024 20:42
3056 Hits

Harmony Day

Harmony Day - bringing everyone together, celebrating our differences and acknowledging our similarities in humanity...
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3794 Hits

It's Time

It's Time!   Spring equinox 23rd September 2017

It's officially spring....
the flowers are blooming...
 new life is emerging....
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1814 Hits

Make your wishes known now - before it's too late

Make your wishes known now - before it's too late

In keeping with TCN’s contribution to Dying to Know Day next week our blog today is about the importance of making your wishes known before it’s too late.

While no one really likes to think too much about dying it makes sense to prepare for death in the same way that we prepare for other major events in our lives. 

Let’s explore some of the benefits in forward planning...
None of us know exactly when or how we are going to die, but you can make your wishes and preferences for your end of life care known by making an Advance Care Plan or Directive.  This will let your family and doctors know what you would like if you are no longer able to make decisions or communicate your wishes.  You can nominate someone to make your health care decisions for you and you can state what is and is not acceptable to you – for example, are there treatments or outcomes that would not be acceptable to you?  

Do you have a legally valid Will?

According to the NSW Trustee and Guardian, 45% of Australians don’t. If you are one of them, there is a risk that your estate – property, money and other assets will be distributed according to a legal formula instead of following your wishes. 

So make a Will now!!

What about your funeral? 

You can really help your family out by letting them know what you would prefer – church or civil service, burial or cremation, who to notify of your death, any special music, photos or readings for the ceremony.  It will be much easier for your family or friends to make arrangements if they feel confident that they are fulfilling your wishes.  Rather than saying “just put me in the compost” why not write down and talk about your wishes and tell the family of any plans you have put in place such as a pre-paid funeral arrangement. 

If you are not sure what is possible for funerals why not talk to a TCN funeral celebrant.

Leave a special legacy by recording your life story 

This might be in words, pictures or both.  It might be a published autobiography or a hand filled photo album.  How many times have you wished that you asked your grandfather more about his wartime service or looked at a family photo and wondered who that very old man in the centre of the photo is? 

We live in such a rapidly changing society that the things we thought were normal and mundane when we were young, now seem like ancient history to our grandchildren. Your first job may not even exist today. Your first car may now be viewed as a vintage model.  

If you would like ideas and help to get started with recording your life story contact a TCN celebrant

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