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Happy 4th Anniversary to Marriage Equality in Australia

5 years ago today Australia spoke out loud and proud about their want for Marriage Equality.  Celebrant, Leslie Ridgeway takes us through some stats since that historical day...

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Not everyone from the LGBTIQ+ community wants a big gay wedding

Remember back to when marriage equality was introduced, one of the stereotyped expectations within the general community was that everyone in the LGBTIQ+ community would rush out and have a big gay wedding.  Celebrant Bronte Price shares with us why this didn't happen...

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1611 Hits

Getting Married Legally in Australia

On the 9th December 2017 the Australian Government changed the marriage laws to allow same sex couples to legally marry.  This has been a long time coming for the LGBTQI community, their families, friends and supporters and it's finally here.  After waiting the required month after lodging the Notice of Intended Marriage form, those couples can, as of the 9th of January 2018, marry the person they love, regardless of their gender.
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3028 Hits

The Marriage Equality Postal Survey Result

Marriage Equality – a statement from the National Committee of the The Celebrants Network Inc

Today people across Australia have clearly shown their support for marriage equality and celebrant members of The Celebrants Network Inc welcome the fact that we are one step closer to enabling all loving couples to marry if that’s their choice.

TCN was founded in 2008 on human rights principles.  It follows that we support the rights of all couples to marry, a right that is enjoyed already in more than 20 countries around the world.    

Parliamentarians now have the responsibility to review and debate the Bills and Amendments that will come before them in the coming weeks.   TCN will be watching the parliamentary deliberations with great interest.  We look forward to debate that is respectful and thoughtful resulting in changes to the Marriage Act 1961 and marriage equality for all.

Sonia Collins
Chairperson, The Celebrants Network Inc
On behalf of the National Committee
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Shell Brown

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Agreed Ros! This is the first step to full equality!
Wednesday, 22 November 2017 18:18
Rona Goold


The best news this Decade. So happy that soon, I along with all of my TCN Colleagues will no longer have to discriminate against... Read More
Wednesday, 15 November 2017 11:54
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